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TSR 124: TIM MAHONEY (Patterns of Evidence) & JON POUNDERS: Trump & Creepy Clown

  • Broadcast in Christianity
Daily Renegade

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http://www.sharpeningreport.com PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! In the first hour, Jon Pounders from Now You See TV cohosts TSR with Jake as Tim Mahoney, director of the film Patterns Of Evidence, joins the show for a discussion on his findings in regards to the book of exodus and ancient Israel. In the second hour, Jon Pounders talks with Jake about the most recent information regarding the Trump campaign against Hillary Clinton and the possibility this may have been predicted in Bible prophecy. Also, Jon and Jake talk about their newest and latest research into the epidemic history of the killer clown phenomenon. It may not be as modern as we think. After the second hour, Jake and Jon kick it into overdrive to discuss the importance of preparedness, natural remedies, and the geopolitical crisis with the U.S., Syria, and Russia. It's a show packed with exciting information that you will not want to miss! What do you think? Leave a comment below!

Josh Peck - http://www.SharpeningReport.com

Check out http://www.skywatchtvstore.com/Cherubim-Quantium-p/jp-ccqcso.htm to get Quantum Creation and Cherubim Chariots by Josh Peck (a $40 value) for only $29.95!

Now at http://www.SharpeningReport.com … check out these titles by Josh Peck:

Quantum Creation: Does the Supernatural Lurk in the Fourth Dimension? - https://www.createspace.com/4836648 
Cherubim Chariots: Exploring the Extradimensional Hypothesis - https://www.createspace.com/5302747 
Disclosure: Unveiling Our Role in the Secret War of the Ancients - https://www.createspace.com/4228196 

Josh Peck:

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