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Bread and Circus Radio



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Blogtalk radio is closing shop. I think they're already phoning it in. I haven't been able to post any programs. And quite frankly I've given up trying. The Channel is on hiatus til the end of the year. I'll be on podbean under Salvation Ed 101. Starting to move my bt archive there. Going to use this time before the new year to learn the podbeam system. Lord willing ofcourse. I want to thank all of you that took time out of their life and day to listen to anything I had to say. All glory honor and praise Thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ.

On-Demand Episodes

From Robert A Holler Ministries Bible Study Videos YouTube Channel. How many souls has Christianity won since 300 ad & the greatest transformation of paul no one teaches. No calls. Godspeed.

Left out a couple anecdotal from last night's lizard? No calls. Godspeed.

Commentary on the reptilian phenomenon in recent news both at the rnc and dnc, not the run dmc. Cliffnotes For Salvation thrown in as well. No calls. GODSPEED.

For those that are left behind by Robert Holler of bible study videos yt channel. No calls godspeed.

From Robert Holler Ministries Bible Study Videos YouTube Channel. RIGHTLY DIVIDE!! No calls. Godspeed.

Continuation on the Rapture. From Robert A Holler Ministries. What is correct/false doctrine concerning Rapture. No calls. Godspeed.

Christians WILL NOT Be raptured!! Only those Saved By Grace Through Faith WILL. NO calls. Godspeed.

From Robert A Holler Ministries yt channel. No calls.

Mixing law with grace makes you fall from grace (galatians 5:4). Clip from Robert A Holler Ministries. No calls taken. amstartestamonial@gmail.com

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