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Watson Chapel Gospel Radio

Watson Chapel A.M.E. Church, Gospel Radio Station


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Watson Chapel Church, Gospel Radio Station is where you can hear gospel music of praise. We give him HONOR and GLORY through music. Sit back, relax, and listen to the praise because he worthy to be praised show that will build your spirit

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We have some gospel music for our current listeners. There are people that visit to our station often to give some praise to God. We will play some songs mostly played and by some people on request. God bless all that have come to our... more

It's time for our Monthly Gospel Music Concert. God and Jesus Christ are so much worthy to be praised. The times we pictured are the worst are the times where blessings are being made. We may not want it when we want it, but it'll... more

During this time, gospel music had grown with new singers and the style of the songs. Some gospel singers had retired and let the new generation give the praising to God. We will have songs from the 2000s. Songs that makesyou think... more

ELITE EIGHT GOSPEL. It's time for songs of Honor and Glory to God.The man that guides us through the good and bad. For GOD is or father that is so much worthy to be praised.

SPIRITUAL SEVEN MUSIC.This the time we give LOVE and GLORYto God, for is he is worthy to be praised. We will listen to seven gospel songs that will build up our spirits remembering that GOD is GOD and there is no other.

It's time for mass choirs to sing gospel to give us some of the word of God. We will have the Misissippi Mass Choir, Georgia Mass Choir, and Los Angelas Mass Choir to start us on our way to give "God the Glory".

Last week,we had female gospel singers. Today, we will listen to the men. Songs from the sodiers of God that are marching on the battlefield. We will hear the trumpets of HONOR and the drums of PRAISE.

It's always time to praise God. Today we will have you to listen to the gospel songs that women sing to do that. Their words and voices can get you to remember that God loves you and why we give himpraise.

Season Five ends now. We'll have our last show with a gospel concert. Music being honored to God. The season six gospel shows will be more explosive of worship.

SPIRITUAL SEVEN NIGHT. This is the time we give Hono and Glory to God, for he is worthy to be praised. We will listen to seven gospel songs that will open your eyes at look at the blessings that God has given to us.

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