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Watson Chapel Gospel Radio

Watson Chapel A.M.E. Church, Gospel Radio Station


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Watson Chapel Church, Gospel Radio Station is where you can hear gospel music of praise. We give him HONOR and GLORY through music. Sit back, relax, and listen to the praise because he worthy to be praised show that will build your spirit

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Gospel songs were picked to give GOD some Glory. The ten songs will be played in randomly order of the votes. Each song will bring some HONOR an GLORYto our father.

It's a FAN FAVORITE gospel night. Loved gospel songs from listeners are set to give to some glory. Listening to loved music gives more joy in living with our ALMIGHTY GOD.

As Black History comes to an end, we will continue to give God thanks for the Past, Present, and Future to come for the Black race. We have songs to remind us of his love.

The Bible shows the word of God and gospel music allows us to show the love thathe has by music. Both of them are sources that we need for the pattern we must live. Remebering that GOD is GOD ane there is no other.

On Black History Month, black men and women are identifed, and their achievements. But mostly, it is a time that GRACE is given to GOD for leading blacks through hard times. He is the true "REASON for the SEASON". Thanking... more

On this Black History Month, we will have another episode of black female singers. We have black women singing praise to GOD. They will remind us that it's his GRACE and MERCY that has brought us threw.

Black History Month is moving forward with women gospel singers. Wednesday and Thursday will have female talent with songs of God. Black women are high positioned in gospel music. Their songs reminds us of how great God is to us

On Black History Month we will play gospel songs from black gospel he singers. We will thank for the love given and is also now. We have male singers that will do that.

On Black History Month we will have songs from Men of Gospel. Their songs show the love of God has given to us. Black men of gospel continue to give out the word in their songs. Reminding us that it's God's GRACE and MERCY that... more

We have ten randomly picked gospel songs for love to our ALMIGHTY GOD. Each song will bring some HONOR to our FATHER.

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