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Watson Chapel Gospel Radio

Watson Chapel A.M.E. Church, Gospel Radio Station


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Watson Chapel Church, Gospel Radio Station is where you can hear gospel music of praise. We give him HONOR and GLORY through music. Sit back, relax, and listen to the praise because he worthy to be praised show that will build your spirit

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Christmas is the time of the year where we step aside to surely praise the birth of our Lord Jesus Christmas. Our next three episodes will be Christmas songs for praise of that gift. However, it's EVERY DAY where we honor our savior.

Eight gospel songs will show us all that our ALMIGHTY GOD has given to us. Praise his holy name. Through all of the thick and thin in our lifes, he has still given us another day of life.

Season 11 will start with gospel songs but also bible scriptures. We will listen to music and the word of the bible. Remind us that GOD is GOD and there is no other.

Season Ten will end joy and praises. The favorite songs from our listeners have been picked and will bring strong honor to God. This season will end, but just wait until Season Eleven starts. There will more excitement and glory for God.

Love to God was shown in gospel music in the 1990s. Songs brought up worship to the mighty king and father. Sit back, relax, and listen to the praise.

It's time for some old school gospel. Legendary singer that used their talent to build the word with music giving HONOR and GLORY to God. Songs that motivated gospel singers to build their desire to give LOVE to our father.

The gospel music now in the 2020s is very spirtial. Singer from the past and new have continued to send honor and glory. Reminding people the GOD is GOD, and there is no other.

Gospel music from this decade has created songs of glory to God. The 2020s are just starting and songs of praise have already exploded. Nothing holding back our glory to our ALMIGHTY GOD.

More Gospel Music from 1980s for God will continue with an Episode 2. Praise from the past gospel songs makes you remember that GOD is GOD, and there is no other.

Love to God in the 1980s gospel songs was strong in the spirit. A time when love was needed and it came from God. Problems built up, but our father helped us bring them down.

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