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Karen Tate

Voices of the Sacred Feminine


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I AM ENOUGH & SO ARE YOU! NEW SHOW FORMAT on VOICES OF THE SACRED FEMININE! Discussing Sex, Power, Religion and Politics with Karen Tate, thought leader, author, speaker and social justice activist. Every Wednesday hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, discussing the bees buzzing round in her bonnet: local, national, global and personal from a Divine Feminine, or Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values to manifest a new and much needed normal. Raise your consciousness and save the world! It hasn't always been this way. And things don't have to stay the same. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Dare to speak it out loud! Rethink, reclaim and embrace wisdom and knowledge denied us far too long. Unlock your tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths and ideas from your home altar to the voting booth, including what denying the feminine face of god, deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity! Karen Tate's 7 published books include her newest, Normalizing Abuse; A Commentary On The Culture of Pervasive Abuse, Sacred Places of Goddess; 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path; Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling; Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine; Conversations to ReShape Our World. That book, along with the anthologies Goddess 2.0. and Awaken the Feminine comprise the famous "manifesting a new normal" trilogy. Visit Karen's website: karentate.net and "like" my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KarenTateAuthor

Upcoming Broadcasts

Today in our sacred message I discuss the Sleeping Lady of Malta found in the famous Hypogeum on the tiny island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. We'll delve into our dreams, how people in ancient times utilized their dream time and what more contemporary teachers say dreams are all about.
  • by Karen Tate
  • in Culture
  • 00:45

On-Demand Episodes

Spiritual teacher and best-selling author, Dr. Susan Shumsky, is with me tonight discussing the revolution of the 1960's and how it changed the world. We'll delve into how she participated, including what living in the ashram of Maharishi... more

Author of Gospel of the Goddess, William Bond has been an advocate of the Sacred Feminine since the 1980's. Tonight we'll discuss why most powerful men in the Western world are Freemasons and what there secret is, the... more

THANKSGIVING SPECIAL RESCHEDULED.....How many times have you chuckled as it seems Christians have no idea of the roots of their beliefs? Their sacred places? Their holidays and celebrations or rituals? This morning at a... more

Renowned expert in helping ordinary people decode their nighttime dreams, Layne Dalfen, with 45 years of dream work behind her will help listeners decode their dreams to discover their full potential. Usig insights from Freud, Adler,... more

Yoni Stones! Get ready to discover the wonder of these special "eggs" including how to use them, pick them out and use them in ritual! Yep, that's what I said! Lilou Mace, author and interviewer has been traveling across the world... more

Grassroots organizer and magickal activist from Portland, Leight LaFleur returns to the show to discuss magickal activism at this very important time in herstory. Her work within the system includes being a Bernie Sanders Delegate to... more

To celebrate Samhain or Halloween, tonight our topic is Familiars in Witchcraft, the new book out by Maja D'Aoust, scholar of alchemy and occult lore. After completing her Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry, Maja studied Oriental... more

Jeanette Blonigen Clancy, author of Beyond Parochial Faith: A Catholic Confesses and God is Not Three Guys in the Sky is with me tonight discussing the toll her Catholic faith has taken on her family and where that path has led.... more

Socio-political theorist and educator in the area of Eco-feminism, Felicity Artemis, teaches about the connection between racism, sexism and the destruction of the natural world. Over the years she's presented lectures, classes and workshops... more

Avara Yaron, author of the Girl Submerged trilogy of erotic novels is with me tonight to discuss the epidemic of erotic wounding and how pleasure is our antidote. A periodic shapeshifter, Avara has a film degree, spiritual counseling... more
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