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Tarhaka Moorish Talk Live 100

Moorish Talk Live 100 at Blog Talk Radio


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Discussions about nationality, Moorish history, science, astronomy, astrology, anthropology, archeology Personal health, natural cures, herbs, ancient civilizations, Law, Contract Law, Private and Public Law, Political Science, Personal and Group food creation. To own a business that belongs to you http://www.newdebtelimination.com

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Part#2 of dealing with the Courts and creditors also proclaiming your Nationality and status

The fundamentals of dealing with creditors, your Nationality, the courts.

Where are we now? what does the future look like for black men and women in America? What changes do we have to make to survive? what are the major causes of death among black people in America?

Where are we now? what does the future look like for black men and women in America? What changes do we have to make to survive? what are the major causes of death among black people in America?

What are your rights as Moors?, What is a notice of understanding and intent and claim of right? , Who gets your notice?, What is a letter of default?

Moorish Documents, bill collectors, etc, city officials, commercial driving, right to travel

Moor about documents, Moors in the courts, when you proclaim your Nationality.

What is a Moor? Do the moors have rights? Should the Moors pay taxes? Do the Moors have free rights to travel? These questions and moor Answered on Moorish Talk Live 100 tune into Blog Talk Radio 11:30 am

What is your Nationality? is it important? what part doe's Nationality play in America today? what doe's the 14th Amendment have to say about your status?

What must the Black Man do to survive the assault against him? What should he do about Men from other races that has his Woman? How should he raise his Sons?
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