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Tarhaka Moorish Talk Live 100

Moorish Talk Live 100 at Blog Talk Radio


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Discussions about nationality, Moorish history, science, astronomy, astrology, anthropology, archeology Personal health, natural cures, herbs, ancient civilizations, Law, Contract Law, Private and Public Law, Political Science, Personal and Group food creation. To own a business that belongs to you http://www.newdebtelimination.com

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What doe's his current wives have to say?(on the air) How many people have you had released from prison? http://www.moorishamericangov.org http://www.tarhakaarchives.org

Just how was the Moorish American Government started? What happened at the U.N. In the 1960's? What doe's his current wives have to say? How many wives did he have and how many doe's he have

What exactly are we as people of African decent eating? Who is controlling food production in the United States? Are the food stuffs we eat in America nutritious? Are there foods on the market to poison the American population? Has the... more

How does the American system control the brain? What is Religion? How do we escape brain control? What about our social order? Who do we hold responsible for leadership? http://www.tarhakaarchives.org

How important is family and business? What has happened to the so called black family ? Does Government assistance build up families? What is the solution to saving the family? What part does business play in the family?... more

Why should Moors have their own schools?What is the benefit of Moors having Their own Schools?How Should these Schools be structured?How should these schools be funded?Should these schools only contain students of African... more

Who are the original people that built pyramids in the Americas? Did Caucasians suffer along with African people as slaves? Who are the so called Indians? Were the so called Indians guilty of enslaveing Africans in America? Were... more

Who are the original people that built pyramids in the Americas? Were Moors slaves in Europe? Who are the Indians? Replacing white with Caucasian should we? Were Caucasian ever made to be slaves? Where did Christianity come... more

What is a warrant less arrest? http://www.tarhakaarchives.org

Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In To Tarhaka Amaana El Bey What should the Moors be doing today for their survival? What lie's in the future for food, water, shelter, clothing? What new type of thinking or education... more
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