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Tarhaka Moorish Talk Live 100

Moorish Talk Live 100 at Blog Talk Radio


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Discussions about nationality, Moorish history, science, astronomy, astrology, anthropology, archeology Personal health, natural cures, herbs, ancient civilizations, Law, Contract Law, Private and Public Law, Political Science, Personal and Group food creation. To own a business that belongs to you http://www.newdebtelimination.com

On-Demand Episodes

1.What part does our personal prepardness play right now and what should we do ? 2.Is the comming American financial collapse real? 3.What should we be doing now to survive it? 4. Can the global market changes hurt you and I in the near... more

What is meant by the word Sovereignty? What is meant by the word people? What is meant by the word person? Where did these words originate? What is home land security up to today? What are we facing in the next three years... more

What is the solution to business success in the U.S.? What should sisters and brothers be doing now ? What sould they be investing in now? What type of business structure should they set up ? What should they loearn from the past... more

What are the main causes for business failure among peopleof African decent? How important is record keeping? What steps need to be taken to correct the problem? What about personal self management? What about plans and... more

What is the hidden information behind the Birth Certificate ? How was treason committed against the people? How does the Crown and Vatican fit in ? What is the truth behind Trust and Equity ? What is the hidden information behind... more

Why are we having such a hard time in America? How do we enforce our contracts ? How do we get what we wan't using our contracts? What part does the law play in creating our contracts? Why should we use or create contracts in... more

What is the future outlook for our planet ? What is the economic outlook ? What is going on with electronic surveillance? What about your computer and cell phone? Visit http://www.newdebteliminaton.com Visit my new info site... more

What makes you Mortgage and property taxes illegal? What is the solution to the problem? How do we go about eliminating property taxes? What is meant by full disclosure? What part does your affidavit play in these situations? How was your... more

Where are we headed as a Nation of people? What should we do in regards to survival and Natural disasters.? What about our spiritual side? What should be done about our love ones inside American prisons? For solutions to mortgage... more

What should Moors be doing Financialy in 2014 How should Moors make their money work for them What and when should Moors teach their children about money Why is this subject so vital in 2014 go to, for the elimination of debt... more
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