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A show about Real Estate. A show about empowering people, giving back, living, laughing and loving/peace. First 30 minutes is about real estate- 2nd half is about motivation, self-help, (not always in that order :) God and empowering you to live your true potential !!! Nathalie Mullinix hosts the fastest show in radio!

On-Demand Episodes

Nathalie goes over reasons why deals fall through....

Nathalie lays out the advantages of going green...it's a WIN WIN! www.realtyuniversal.com Realty Universal is a company committed to "soul selling". Check out the website, whether a broker, agent, buyer or seller...... more

Nathalie shares the benefits of being involved in the sale!

Nathalie lays out the issues surrounding environmental factors in the buying process...Pat Welsh joins us in the 2nd half - author of "Danger. Duty & Distrust", lessons learned from a life spent in law enforcement.... more

Nathalie lays out the "New Rich" - you may be surprised! 2nd half, Bob Claxton joins us to discuss his book, "Enter Life Again" www.enterlifeagain.com

Nathalie discusses short sales in the 1st half.. 2nd half - Erica McNeal, author of "Good Grief" joins us to share her story & discuss processing grief. www.ericamcneal.com

Pat Hiban join us, Host of Pat Hiban Interviews Rockstars!

Nathalie breaks down factors involved in the buying decision.

Nathalie talks about bitcoins...call in and tell us your story!

Nathalie shares the MANY benefits to being a member of Realty Universal...

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