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A show about Real Estate. A show about empowering people, giving back, living, laughing and loving/peace. First 30 minutes is about real estate- 2nd half is about motivation, self-help, (not always in that order :) God and empowering you to live your true potential !!! Nathalie Mullinix hosts the fastest show in radio!

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Vince Prato is an expert in marketing, having been in the print adverting/marketing business for over 30 years. He has run very successful businesses including,but not limited to social media marketing. Founder of mymovinglist.com a... more

Commercial agents and brokers...vs residential

In recruiting- how does looking at the whole person, really make a difference... listen in... Mary Ann Faremouth is a professional recruitment services specialist, a highly regarded speaker and writer, 2016 PRESIDENT of Houston Independent... more

Kass Rose, founder of Rentmyway.com joins us today to tell us why we should cooperate with our competition and how to take the fear out of building your brand and business YOUR WAY!!! She is also the author of HOW DO... more

Ron Jarvis's mother died at the age of 11, he went out on his own at 15- after high school he held several positions before working on the construction of Minuteman missile silos in N. Dakota, (which earned him a deferment from the... more

Ted Coates and Nathalie weigh in on Solar panels, Powur & Networking... Ted Coates, an icon in the real estate industry for years...joins us... My Broker was a guy by the name of Hyman Adler, He was one the best men who ever... more

Creative real estate options. Want about owner financing and the due on sale clause. How about purchasing with your Roth IRA? Listen in to our replay- get informed. As always check with your attorney, lender, accountant. 2nd half... more

Happy New Year!!! How many of you have New Year's resolutions you have started off with? Want to find out how to make them stick and why some wont? We are in exciting times... many changes. JP Yunka an expert... more

Nathalie & Mary Blake talk story- coffee hour

Dr. Steier and James Fuller were on last week explaining the dangers and what can be done to protect our environment using our deserts and excess waters to lower our Co2 levels, methane and acids accumulating in our oceans.... more

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