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Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers

Qul Alahiym - Voice of POWERS


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"Go out and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20. Our master, Yahushua, left us a commission to share the truth to people so they can have the gift of salvation. The truth has to be given to the world and we have to destroy the falsehoods. As we do this we work to aide the unification and restoration of YisraEl as a people so the final work of Yah can be realized.

On-Demand Episodes

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath evening we continue our Can it be that simple theme by discussing the question, 'who is talking?' Join us for this topic & follow along in your bibles as we go... more

L'CHODESH TUVAH! Welcome to our new moon broadcast for the eighth month of Bul.We will continue examining the role of prophets & prophecy in our EXCEPT YHWH BUILD THE HOUSE theme. We'll be taking a closer look at the call of a... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath morning broadcast! Today we discuss 2 Chronicles chapter 7 in a lesson entitled Training the Altar. Join us for our discussion & be sure to follow along in your bibles. may... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! For our first Sabbath evening broadcast after Sukkot we delve into a statment made by Yahushua: Mat 11:29 "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;" Join us for... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath morning we begin a new series of teachings to "magnify the Torah & make it honorable." Our topic will be abomination; what dies the Torah teach concerning... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath evening we begin a new series of teachings asking the question, can it be that simple?

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath morning we wrap up this session of BIYNAH Thurah by getting into Shemuth (Exodus) chapter 3, the call of Mosheh. Be sure to join us as we begin this next... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! First off, we offer our sincere apologies to the listeners because of the episode we were unable to broadcast last Sabbath due to technical difficulties with Blogtalkradio. I pray we... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath evening we wrap up our current topic, praying tht those who have been following along be mindful of what Holy Scripture teaches; Heb 9:27 "And as it... more

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our broadcast! This Sabbath evening we resume discussing the pending judgment of YHWH & His wrath. Join us for our discussion as we examine ourselves to determine whether we're... more

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