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Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers

Qul Alahiym - Voice of POWERS


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"Go out and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20. Our master, Yahushua, left us a commission to share the truth to people so they can have the gift of salvation. The truth has to be given to the world and we have to destroy the falsehoods. As we do this we work to aide the unification and restoration of YisraEl as a people so the final work of Yah can be realized.

On-Demand Episodes

Love yourself and the skin you are in! Psa 139:1 For the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. Yahweh, you have searched me, and you know me.

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath evening broadcast. Tonight we will continue our journey called Et Chaiyk Nephesh which means "HIS TRAINED MIND". Be sure to join us for our discussion & follow along in your... more

Still strengthening our minds and our spirits.

We are still strengthening our brains and spirit. Today we talk about the power of acceptance.

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath evening broadcast. Tonight we will continue our journey called Et Chaiyk Nephesh which means "HIS TRAINED MIND". Be sure to join us for our discussion & follow along in your... more

L'CHODESH TUVAH! Shalum Lakhem Mishpachah! Welcome to our New Moon broadcast for the month of Adar. Be sure to follow along in your Bibles as the teacher teaches.

Today we are going to be talking about strengthening our brain and spirit.

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath evening broadcast. Tonight we will begin a new journey called Et Chaiyk Nephesh which means "HIS TRAINED MIND". Be sure to join us for our discussion & follow along in your... more

We are going to talk about strengthening our brain and spirit!

SHABATH SHALUM MISHPACHAH! Welcome to our Sabbath evening broadcast. Tonight we will begin a new journey called Et Chaiyk Nephesh which means "HIS TRAINED MIND". Be sure to join us for our discussion & follow along in your... more

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