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Qul Alahiym - Voice of Powers

Qul Alahiym - Voice of POWERS


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"Go out and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20. Our master, Yahushua, left us a commission to share the truth to people so they can have the gift of salvation. The truth has to be given to the world and we have to destroy the falsehoods. As we do this we work to aide the unification and restoration of YisraEl as a people so the final work of Yah can be realized.

On-Demand Episodes

Moreh Ahab'Al and Moreh Sheba'Al will continue to uncover the purpose of the Nation and people of Yisra'Al. The Father created us with a purpose and once we know from the Scripture what that purpose is; then we can allow it to be our... more

COURT IS IN SESSION! Today we will rest the case on whether Yahushua be Ha'Mashiach of Yah. We've, thus far, presented evidence that there was a need for blood sacrifice for the atonement of mankind's sins and that only a... more

Join us tonight as Moreh Ariy'Al clarifie the root of the statement, "The law is done away with." What people forget to ask is, "What Law?" because the Thurah has many laws. Tonight we will identify what law has been fulfilled and which... more

Moreh will continue to bring to light the Truth of the Word of Yahueh. Join us

What does the scriptures teach about being offended or being an offense to someone? Sometimes we might have to say and do things that others will find offensive, but it that a reason to not speak the truth in love? Moreh Dau'Al will... more


This is a continuation of studying through the scriptures, what the purpose of the nation Yisra'Al serves to Yahueh and to the world.

Yahushua ha'Mashiach is being tried in Yishra'Al whether He be Mashiach and the expressed image of Yah. We are searching SCRIPTURE, not scholarship or doctrines, but the Word of Yah to see if the claims of His Messiahship and... more

Moreh Ariy'Al is continuing to share the real-life experiences of young adults in the nation of Yishra'Al. Today he will talk to young sisters Sarah Clapperton and ChaYah Barrett

Moreh will continue to bring to light the Truth of the Word of Yahueh. Join us

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