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Susan Puzio

Prophetic News


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Prophetic News has now moved our main broadcast to Spreaker. Please go to Spreaker https://www.spreaker.com/show/prophetic-news-radio ----for the newest Episodes. We are a Christian radio program lifting up the gospel of Jesus Christ. Exposing errors in the church, false prophets,and false teachers, all leading up to the great apostasy and the coming of the Antichrist. We will discuss how some so called ministries pimp for money, selling out Jesus, manipulating people for their own greedy motives. We want to teach people to give out of love and not out of selfishness. We hope to see the witchcraft and miracle selling used on so called "Christian TV" come to an end. Jesus overturned the money changers tables and we want to do the same. Susan is the author of "Seed Faith, Can a man bribe God, How false teachers manipulate and hypnotize you for offerings" People like Mike Murdock, Paula White, Steve Munsey, Rod Parsley, Marcus and Joni Lamb, TBN, God TV and many others to numerous to mention need to repent. and stop using fear and manipulation to con people to give offerings. You truly CANNOT buy a miracle. For Susan's ministerial resume go to http://www.propheticnews.com/susan.

On-Demand Episodes

Paula White claims she married rocker Jonathan Cain in Ghana and will have 2 more marriages on April 25th and 26th. Also, Rod Parsley offers another chance to get in on the passover offerings.

Paula White calls herself a "pastor" and an "apostle, yet the last two churches that she pastored went bankrupt. One property was left vacant for almost 4 years, because they could not or would not pay the electric bill. She seduces her... more

Rod Parsley celebrates 30 years of scamming people with his "resurrection seed" offering. Rod delves deeper and deeper into the pit of destruction and he lifts his fist in the face of God and refuses to repent of his wicked, wicked ways. He... more

My guest is Phil Armstrong of The Prophecy Zone on Blog Talk Radio. We discuss World War three, the end times and current events in the church.

Our guest is Dr. Russell Kelly PhD, author of the book Exposing Seventh-day Adventism and "former member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. We will explore what they believe and how it does not jive with the bible Seventh-day... more

previously recorded--Exposing Jimmy Swaggart- and the false teachings that are hurting the body of Christ. Today our guests are Pastor John Murray of Tree of Life Christian Fellowshiphttp://treeoflifefellowship.net/swaggart.aspx, Bruce... more

Hebrew Roots Movement with Brenda Johnson.

Today our guest is our brother, Moses, the Wolf Tracker. He has a new broadcast on Blog Talk Radio and on YouTube, exposing false prophets and false teachers with the sword of the Spirit. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wolftracker... more

Our special guest today is Dr. Russell Kelly, who asked Tony Evans to debate his tithing teachings, Tony refused this debate. Why can't he defend his teachings and prove all things? Is he a tithing terrorist?? Although legally blind... more

Our guest is Jackie Alnor of Apostasy Alert. Our topic is Maryology and the 95 soecious lies of Rome. Jackie has spent many years and hours researching the great apostasy or great falling away. She is the author of "The Fleecing of... more
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