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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

On-Demand Episodes

What is GOD's Purpose Now? His Purpose is His NATURE: To Give Himself, To Reveal Himself

Question of the Week: "I believe I've received direction, words, dreams and desires from the Lord over the years, but they haven't come to pass. How Come?" Specific examples.

The Lord's Night Visits; 8 Steps to Engaging the Supernatural

Overcoming Hindrances to Getting Healed

Religion Hinders Our Purpose Now; What is God's Purpose Now?

Question of the Week: “Should Christians be involved in government / policy-making? Should Christians run for political office? Do you vote for someone because they are / are not a Christian?”

The Lord's Night Visits; 8 Steps to Engaging the Supernatural

Healing Happens in Different Ways at Different Times: Progressively, Instantaneously, Unconditionally, Conditionally

Conclusion: Religion Hinders Our Purpose Now; What Is God's Purpose Now?

Question of the Week: "I look back at my life and see all the places I missed God, or didn't even ask to find out what He wanted. How do I get back on track? Can I make up for all the laziness and selfishness to be what God is requiring in this... more
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