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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Those parts of our temperament that are the most successful in getting our needs met will be the foundation for our flesh patterns. Let's identify the goals of the flesh and the symptoms of living out of our flesh as first steps in overcoming our... more

The closer we come to living out of our spirit, as a spirit being, instead of out of our soul (temperament) and/or body, the more we gain Rest as a state of existence. It is in this state that we are at greatest activity, overcoming... more

You have the Authority, You have the Knowledge, what You lack is the Experience, which will yield confidence, peace and effectiveness.

How our enemies -- the world, our flesh, the devil -- hinder our ability to receive direction from God and even convince us that we are not able to hear from Him.

Developing the Skills and Strategy to be able to distinguish God's Voice from all others, and how to deal with voices that are not from Him.

The Fallacy of Fleecing; Waiting for God's Direction; Practical How-Tos

The time spent learning about your self – your history, your temperament, your flesh patterns, your vulnerabilities – can be some of the most profitable as you learn how to Rule over your Self and Reign over your Circumstances.

God is Practical, and wants us to know WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and how to EVALUATE how we're doing. These are simple steps; YOU CAN OVERCOME!

Being Called versus Being Sent

Some Do's and Don'ts; Testing What You Hear
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