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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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What is the ?baptism with the Holy Spirit?? Whole denominations have been built on differing interpretations of the scriptures that refer, directly or indirectly, to some form of baptism. Our focus will be on how baptism in the Holy Spirit... more

What is the ?baptism with the Holy Spirit?? Whole denominations have been built on differing interpretations of the scriptures that refer, directly or indirectly, to some form of baptism. Our focus will be on how baptism in the Holy Spirit... more

The Holy Spirit has power and authority over all three realms: spiritual, supernatural and natural. He knows no other purpose or existence than to be an extension and expression of God; He is trustworthy and reliable and utterly... more

The Holy Spirit has power and authority over all three realms: spiritual, supernatural and natural. He knows no other purpose or existence than to be an extension and expression of God; He is trustworthy and reliable and utterly... more

The Holy Spirit has power and authority over all three realms: spiritual, supernatural and natural. He knows no other purpose or existence than to be an extension and expression of God; He is trustworthy and reliable and utterly... more

Throughout history, apprehension has been expressed that since the activity of the supernatural is not seen or controlled by us, we can be controlled by it, and therefore there is a danger that we can be deceived and led into doing... more

Before Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they communed with God and with each other on a spiritual level: spirit to Spirit. Their spirit dwelt within them and through them, permeating every aspect of their soul... more

Before Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they communed with God and with each other on a spiritual level: spirit to Spirit. Their spirit dwelt within them and through them, permeating every aspect of their soul... more

There are numerous teachings available on the Holy Spirit and it is not our intention here to present an exhaustive account of His nature, actions and character. What we want to look at are some practical ways of relating and... more

The Holy Spirit is a person and wants to be known as a person. We don't know what we don't know, and we don't know the dynamics of how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit relate. We do know that who we truly are, a spirit, DOES know... more
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