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Omega Man Radio is a Full Gospel Internet Radio Show which preaches the Gospel - the Good News of Jesus Christ, Casts out Devils and prays for the sick that they be healed in Jesus Christ Name. Free Exorcism and Deliverance.

On-Demand Episodes

"Faith in Action" / Gary Stafford / OMR #11367 Recorded 11-7-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible #audiobible... more

"Victory Over Fear" / Shannon Ray Davis / OMR #11366 Recorded 11-7-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible #audiobible... more

"Freedom in Christ" and The Demon Hotline / David Measures / OMR # 11365 Recorded 11-7-2024 on OMEGAMAN omegamanradio.com Pastor David Measures www.dwmmi.org #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio... more

"The Warning" / Dr. Jonathan Hansen / OMR #11364 Recorded 11-6-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible #audiobible... more

"Who told you that you were naked?" / Lou Young / OMR #11363 Recorded 11-6-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible... more

"Do Not die in your sins" / John Goguen / OMR #11362 https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible #audiobible... more

"SMW+: Isaiah 30-34" / Shannon Ray Davis / OMR #11361 Recorded 11-6-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible... more

"Unforgiveness and Bitterness" / Michael Cummins / OMR #11360 Recorded 11-6-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com/ #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible... more

"Prayer is a Sanguine to them that Seek It" / Robert Avila / OMR #11359 Recorded 11-6-2024 on OMEGAMAN omegamanradio.com #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible... more

"GOD Do Not Delay!" / Benjamin Baruch / OMR #11358 Recorded 11-5-2024 on OMEGAMAN https://www.omegamanradio.com / #Jesus #jesuschrist #omegaman #omegamanradio #shannonraydavis #deliverance #kingjamesbible #audiobible... more
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