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Progressive news & analysis from Florida and around the world Produced and Hosted by Jeanine Molloff Producer Emeritus Rick Spisak

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Corporate media has been 'carrying water' for Trump. They have been soft peddling his incompetent and dangerous record, while criticizing democrats or progressives. Until recently, the corporate media has received a 'pass' for its complicity as it assists the march to fascism. Now, multiple independent news outlets are asking the question--why is corporate media giving Trump a pass? The answer is simple--profits. The news has become a profit making enterprise for the far right, in it's quest for click bait. This week's show will focus on why the news should be, (and remain), non-profit, or an acceptable loss for corporations. Once the news departments were under the control of the business managers--they ceased to be 'news.' Once Reagan discarded the fairness doctrine, corporate managers infamously stated that ..."news is what I say it is." We will examine the need for news to be non profit. We will also introduce a new feature titled: Dumb Donnie Trump's Festivus Airing of Grievances. Tailored after the Seinfeld farce, we will air some of Trump's most insane and stupid rants. We will also have a few musical parodies as well. Join me. Jeanine

On-Demand Episodes

Today, the Supreme Court handed down a decision in W. Virginia v. EPA, which limits the authority of the EPA to regulate environmental toxins and other forms of pollution. This same 'pro-life' SCOTUS, has handed down a death penalty to the... more

First, our founder Rick Spisak has an interview with guest Professor Wendy Lee on the January 6th committee investigation and the involvement of the Proud Boys. Next, I will cover the foul decision handed down by Supreme... more

EJR is back! This week I will report how the very corporations responsible for trashing the planet, are suing governments globally in a desperate attempt to kill any meaningful climate justice law. Now, both the mainstream press, (and... more

Recently the world watched as 19 elementary school children were gunned down by a murderer with an assault weapon, while the police stood down and did nothing. Furthermore, police abused and attacked parents desperate to save... more

This Sunday, I will report on an alt-right group in Missouri known as Liberty Alliance. This group has released a 'Woke' Map, which targets specific schools and school districts in Missouri, which are believed to be indoctrinating... more

Within the span of a week, we have witnessed two brutal mass murders, one in Buffalo, New York, and the other in Ulvade, Texas. The mass murder in Buffalo was clearly a hate crime, with an 18 year old shooter who published a... more

This Sunday, I will begin discussion of a report titled: Breaching the Mainstream. This report has detailed the positions and extremist ties to alt-right, white supremacist, radical insurrectionists that far too many Republican State... more

This week on our Sunday broadcast, we have two stories. Our founder, Rick Spisak interviewed longtime human rights activist, Meredith Ockman. Meredith has been a driving force for women's rights, Planned Parenthood, and... more

This Sunday I will discuss the danger of the leaked Supreme Court preliminary decision on Roe v. Wade. The ramifications for all Americans are dire. Not only does a possible reversal of Roe eviscerate reproductive rights for women, but a... more

This week's Sunday show focuses on the topic of environmental racism. Our Executive Producer and creator interviewed long time advocate Jeannie Economos from the Farmworkers Association. Economos explains how little... more

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