Popular in Motivation
in Motivation
What are your fears or (mis)-understandings of a transgendered person? Are you open to learning about this segment of society? Did you obtain whatever knowledge you have from a person living this life or some artificial means? My first education some 20+ years ago taught me there is recorded history of transgender individuals dating back to the 1800’s.
Tonight we are so proud and pleased to bring to your awareness a leading advocate and activist in the Transgender community, Ms. Aubri Escalera. She and I share space on the Board of Someone Cares Atl plus she works for the Georgia House of Representatives.
We have invited several others to join us tonight. I respect and hold each person invited in high esteem. Each will share their experiences.
This show can also be called A VOICE WITHOUT A FACE! Mainly for the fact that many people look in the direction of a transgender person yet do ‘not’ see them as a whole human being!
Come join the open discussion. You got questions we have the answers! So please tune in and learn as well as add your voice.
See you on the radio
As Above So Below
in Motivation
Mount Olympus Presents
with Astrid
Produced by Hercules Invictus
Recording on Wednesday December 11, 2024
9-10 PM ET/6-7 PM PT on Blogtalkradio
AN OLYMPIAN DISCLAIMER: Aristotle suggested that entertaining new thoughts without feeling obliged to accept them is a wise practice to cultivate. We agree. Our Olympian podcasts explore interesting thoughts and viewpoints on a variety of topics, including health, religion and politics. Our exploration gives voice to diverse personal opinions, areas of study and systems of belief. Discussions in this forum, though sincere and enthusiastic, are not to be construed as Mount Olympus' endorsement of any particular point of view.
On the air with Host Debra Vadala
in Motivation
Passions Podcast is broadcasting live from Palm Beach County, Florida. Host Debra Vadala & Guest Speaker Dr. Craig Selinger break down the topic of excellence.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Passions....
A Breathwork Journey
in Motivation
In our fast-paced lives, stress seems inevitable. Deadlines, responsibilities, and expectations can overwhelm us, leaving little room for calm. While stress itself is not inherently bad, chronic stress can affect our health, productivity, and even relationships. But here’s the good news: we all have a built-in tool to combat it—the power of intentional breathwork.
in Motivation
No matter what you are going through be encouraged. Yes, sometimes it's easier said than done. There were many days I had and still encourage myself. Speaking life into my situation gives me hope and courage when feeling low. When I feel like I can’t make it I encourage myself. God has been good to me. Good has brought me a long way. I learned to say positive things in a negative situation. I had to believe what I was speaking to myself. When I believed what I was speaking. I found myself in another place, where my soul was uplifted. The joy of the lord has come back in. I started thinking better. I was able to relax and not be pressed down with the weights I was carrying. I would be able to walk with the peace of God. Remember no matter what you are going through encourage yourself.
Saying Yes to me in 2025
in Motivation
Regina Breed asked the blunt question in this episode of The Source how do we not come into 2025 like we were standing in 2024 ? This will be the first episode in a four-part series, we will be having this enlightening conversation with Business and Life style guru Isha Nicole . On how to become better you.