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Spiritual advisor Kj Robert

Spiritual Advisor Kj Robert


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likes to take my time to try to get people to Open their Eyes that they can move in a better direction and see what is right in front of them,

On-Demand Episodes

Tonight, Topic Accidents and Health Problems Psychic readings Free Saturday night We all have a Destiny find out what is coming your way Our world is changing and it's time to prepare for what is to come. get a free few mins... more

Saturday night We all have a Destiny find out what is coming your way Our world is changing and it's time to prepare for what is to come. get a free few mins Psychic readings Saturday night 8:00 Pm EST. Psychic Clairvoyant Kj Robert... more

Free Psychic readings with Psychic Clairvoyant Kj Robert on Destiny Talk Radio This Wednesday night at 9:00Pm Est call in at 1-515-605-9779 press #1 to talk with host Please read show Bio for more information Email senders would... more

Tonight Free Psychic readings with Psychic Clairvoyant Medium Kj Robert on Destiny Talk Radio This Saturday night at 10:00Pm Est call in at 1-515-605-9779 press #1 to talk with host Please read show Bio for more information Email... more

The Shofar will be sounded on Friday evening at 5:00 PM Est On Christian Sabbath Radio Prayer's To The Chaplet Of Saint Joseph is regarded as the patron saint of Italy and for the workers and is associated with various feast... more

The Shofar will be sounded on Friday evening at 5:00 PM Est On Christian Sabbath Radio Prayer's To The Chaplet Of Saint Patrick This show is Dedicated to the people of Ireland and for all of us for Peace Protection and Healing for... more

Grab your coffee Tuesday morning, we all have a Destiny find out what is coming your way Our world is changing and it's time to prepare for what is to come. Get a free few min's Psychic readings Tuesday morning 10:00 Am EST. Psychic... more

Welcome back this Saturday night We all have a Destiny find out what is coming your way Our world is changing and it's time to prepare for what is to come.Get a free few mins Psychic readings Saturday night 8:00 Pm EST.... more

Everything must change time to turn back time 1 Hour Saturday We all have a Destiny find out what is your get a free Psychic readings Saturday night 10:00 Pm EST. with Psychic Clairvoyant Ken Robert on Destiny Talk Radio all... more

The Shofar will be sounded on Friday evening at 5:00 PM Est On Christian Sabbath Radio Prayers To The Divine Mercy This show is Dedicated for all of us and for Peace Protection and Healing for all our Brothers and Sisters... more

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