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Walk With Jesus


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A family restoring Prayer as the foundation to have a personal relationship that is accepaible to God and Spirital Beings in this life. Divine Introvention

On-Demand Episodes

A family that love the Lord.

We unite to share and pray for each other. our total emphais is bringing honor and Glory to God.

Family That Prays Together

We love the Lord

Family Gathered Together to Give God Praise

Family united in prayer and the opportunity to share as source of encouragement. The focus is God's word and currently studying the Jabez Prayer.

A Family Gathered Together to Give God Honor and to Praise His Name

Michael and DaNiece Moody invites their family members to unite in prayer. The Bible is our foundation for this effort and God's love for family. We believe in the Trinity, The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and invite his presence and... more

A family loving God!

A family gathered together to give God honor and to praise His name. Topic Open

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