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Factions Of Freedom

Factions Of Freedom


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Exposing Lies † Sharing Truth From the political to the paranormal and economics to the esoteric, we cover it. Anti-Transhuman, Conscious Media & Alternative News, Occult Information, Truth Seeking Artist - Find Us On YouTube & Subscribe Website: http://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/ Email: FreedomsFaction@Gmail.com Instagram: @Freedom_Faction, @Freedoms_Faction FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/factionsoffreedom/ Twitter: @FreedomsFaction, @NoizceEra Donate: https://www.paypal.me/noizceera Paradox Radio: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/paradox-radio/, https://www.facebook.com/FreedomsParadoxRadio/ The Battalion’s Bazaar: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/the-battalion-s-bazaar/ Operation Dunamis: https://www.gofundme.com/operation-dunamis Exclusive Membership: https://www.patreon.com/FreedomFaction

On-Demand Episodes

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/bi86A8mr_m4] You know what I find strange? How desensitized we're becoming. Every week is stranger than the last. Each act of violence more random than before. At the end of the day, this is... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/2Y16G4__xVs] The future of humanity isn't human. Carrying over from the previous episode, we go in depth into one aspect of what Transhumanism is. We have to remember that even last year,... more

I want to give a shoutout to all of the people who helped make this episode possible. Without their stories and experiences, we wouldn't be able to explain this extremely strange world we find ourselves living in: @BrandonsWihart... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/3O7QhpT7vn0] Strap yourselves in for this episode with Charles Kassin of Truth is Terrorism because from start to finish it's packed with information and deciphering. The growing Technocracy... more

Part 2 of the minicast from earlier this week.

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/fBhanqUqivE] We're starting Season 6 already under fire, but what's new? While addressing our advancements in the face of all this adversity, we start looking at some of the deeper questions of... more

Consider this part 1 of 2 - There will be a follow up broadcast in connection with this one. In a change of pace from the usual talk of censorship, I have Zach of UC Fitness back on to talk about the waterfront. We've never really tried Instagram's... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/hcZtN_B_m0k] In an information packed episode we have Billy Carson of 4BiddenKnowledge back on to talk about the flood of events that have been developing. Initially I had contacted Billy to talk... more

[YouTube Video Verion:https://youtu.be/t8uZ8TsAymg] Previous Episode: [https://factionsoffreedom.jimdo.com/2017/10/06/reality-distortion-the-a-i-takeover-crystal-theory-with-adam-of-3rdeyeopener/] Firstly, let me say there is an explicit warning for this episode. While we discuss... more

[YouTube Video Version: https://youtu.be/6obDOOKjkPs]... more

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