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Stewart and Larry cover the news of the week offering their own special insight.

We are happy to have Richard Shaw join us for a discussion on the state of the global economy, his new research and discoveries in the paranormal realm, new Bible Codes concerning Trump and the attempt by the Deep States to... more

As Trump readies himself for his overseas trip to the Middle East, it appears that all the stops of the communist left are being pulled out to prevent it. Why? Is it because they know that if Israel builds their Temple it is all over for humanity? Is... more

Bob Dylan said, "the times they are a changing", and indeed they are - rapidly. A day does not go by now and we hear of some new event that appears to be almost off the chart. People are losing it, just as the far left communist press that... more

Comey fired but why was he not allowed to resign? Why was he dumped in such a grievous and humiliating manner? Did the FBI find something dealing with Pedogate? The Left is going insane and calling for hearings and a special... more

As we move through May towards the star sign of Revelation, we are seeing more and more WAR TALK, and how the nations of the world appear to be preparing for all-out war with each other. North Korea's Kim has said WAR IS COMING.... more

Mystery needs war to bring in their much awaited chaos. Islam needs their 12th Iman to climb out of the well. The nations are angry, and wars are in the air. An Unseen Hand is now guiding the nations into their final alignments, and Daniel's... more

Tonight's show will be a very interesting interview with writer Joyz Riter MacQueen, who has authored numerous books and we will focus on her book "Searching For Atlantis", an exciting novel about the downfall of... more

There is little doubt that the world is headed into WWIII, but we do not yet know exactly how or where it will actually start, but the evidence is suggesting strongly that North Korea will be pushed into a nuclear exchange and this will be the... more

The Illuminati can now taste blood, and they want a world war to bring in their CHAOS and then comes the NEW ORDER OF THINGS. Mystery in the Bible is working hard to accomplish their world rule, and have no conscience concerning... more

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