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Spiritual Insights Radio

Spiritual Insights w/Charlotte Spicer—Spirituality & Metaphysics Talk Radio


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Exciting News for Spiritual Insights Listeners! After over a decade on BlogTalkRadio, Spiritual Insights with Charlotte Spicer is moving to a new home at CharlotteSpicer.Substack.com. This transition opens up new possibilities to connect with you! On Substack, you’ll enjoy access to inspiring podcast episodes, the thought-provoking Spiritual Insights Newsletter, and the divinely channeled Divine Insights Newsletter, where questions submitted by subscribers are answered by Yeshua (Jesus), God, Gaia, and other members of the Divine. Substack makes it easy to stay connected—episodes, newsletters and posts are emailed directly to you, along with announcements about upcoming events and premium content. I want to thank all of you for following me all these years — whether on BTR, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts or another platform — and I hope we’ll reconnect on Substack. God Bless and Be at Peace. With Love, ~Char.

On-Demand Episodes

Join Dr. Bob and Char as we explore Chapter 12, The Holy Spirit's Curriculum, with an emphasis on Section VIII: The Attraction of Love for Love. In our last segment we discussed how we all have a degree of understanding that the world... more

Sheldon Ginsberg is an author, Stress Healing Practitioner, speaker, healer and CEO of Destress San Antonio, a health company devoted to self-healing services and products, based in San Antonio, Texas. Sheldon developed a therapeutic... more

On the 3rd Monday of every month at 3:00 pm Eastern, call in to receive a Mini-Reading from highly-certified Psychic Healer and Channel, Shaman Rai (pronounced Rye). We will take calls for an hour and a half. Shaman Rai is a... more

Lesson 132: I loose the world from all I thought it was. In this segment we will explore Lesson 132, which states, in part: ?This is the central thought the course attempts to teach. Not everyone us ready to accept it, and each one must go as... more

Psychic Healer and Channel, Shaman Rai (pronounced Rye) appears on the 3rd Monday of every month at 3:00 pm Eastern to offer FREE Mini-Readings to the public. Shaman Rai is a Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive and Healer. He also... more

Do you have questions or issues with studying or understanding the often abstract concepts of A Course in Miracles? In this segment Dr. Bob and Charlotte address some common, interesting questions regarding the Course and then discuss the... more

Do you have questions or issues with studying or understanding the often abstract concepts of A Course in Miracles? In this segment Dr. Bob and Charlotte address some common, interesting questions regarding the Course and then discuss the... more

The equivalency of giving and receiving is emphasized throughout A Course in Miracles. The first of the Holy Spirit's lessons is: ?To have, give all to all.? Yet this idea is so radically different from what we believe that all too often we... more

On the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 3:00 pm Eastern, call in to receive a Mini-Reading from Psychic Healer and Channel, Shaman Rai (pronounced Rye). We will take calls for an hour and a half. Shaman Rai is a Psychic Medium,... more

What does it mean to have a spiritual and metaphysical lifestyle? If you are interested in anything having to do with spiritual advancement, psychic development, the paranormal, the Astral Plane, healing, holistic tools or... more
Show Extras