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The phone lines are open. Why do you think Kamala Harris lost and Donald Trump won? Call the show and discuss it but here are the Top 10 reasons the Democrats got their teeth knocked out in the 2024 Presidential Election. So we... more

Join us for a Bible Study on the shocking Things Jesus said that really surprise unbelievers. I am sure you will be blessed hearing about this.;// Hear all of our radio shows and even download them to your mp3 or Ipod player at... more

Download all of our shows to your Ipod or Mp3 player free at www.shockofGod.com Learn how to survive a Nuclear attack and what supplies you will need to do so. If a bomb drops how do you escape the... more

Attention: Blog talk radio is having issues we will continue to launch the show once they correct their server issues. O.K. atheists get ready to call the show! We are challenging all atheists to answer "The Question" What proof and... more

Tonight after the bible study we open up the phone lines to atheists to see if they can answer THE QUESTION. The question is: WHAT PROOF AND EVIDENCE CAN YOU PROVIDE THAT WOULD FINALLY AT LAST PROVE... more

Things that God hates according to the Bible According to Proverbs 6:16–19, God hates the following things: Haughty eyes: Pride is the original sin, and God hates pride. Haughty eyes are the eyes of someone who... more

We all know Tim Walz is a pretty weird guy. I mean when BLM was using their terrorist tactics in his State he let them kill, pillage and steal not to mention burn businesses of innnocent people. Then to top off this weirdness he signed into... more

Did you know that out of the 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence that 54 out of 56 were Christians and all of them, even the 2 that were not Christians, were theists? There were no muslims or atheists that founded... more

Tonight we listen to Benjamin Netanyahu and his full speech to congress. Here he calls the anti-Israel protestors "Useful idiots to Iran". In his fiery speech he brought people out of their chairs with a massive standing ovation for a speech that will... more

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