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Apostle Diane Nutt

Dove Ministries of Love


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Hello and welcome to Dove Ministries of Love! Apostle Diane Nutt is an ordained & licensed Minister. She oversees Church of His Glory with her husband, preaches holds the office of an Apostle & Prophet. She also travels world-wide leading people into the holy presence of God in worship & releasing them into their destiny through the prophetic word, by the ministry of the Holy Ghost in the Love of God. Join Apostle Diane as she shares wisdom from the Word of God about different topics that we are faced with in our lives everyday. As you listen with an open heart & spirit you will receive impartation & understanding. She will also be praying for you on every segment and answering questions that you might have. Let the anointing of God lift your burdens and destroy yokes of bondage in your life. You will never be the same! For further ministry, please write Apostle Diane @ the following email address: diane@dove-ministries.com. You can also call 469-370-1590 and leave a message.

On-Demand Episodes

Hello everyone! It's that time again! Thank you for coming to my sight! I'm so pumped because of what God is doing in the earth right now. There is gross darkness covering the earth and yes, even the people's, but the Lord is arising... more

Hello again! Well....we are going to continue our session on becoming effective in intercessory prayer! God is soo faithful! Last week was just absolutely amazing as God moved by His Holy Spirit!! We are rising up and because of that GOD... more

Hello everyone! You will be blessed today as I share and teach giving you keys to increasing your effectiveness in intercessory prayer! We are living in days that as Isaiah prophesyed that there is gross darkness covering the earth. But... more

Hi Everyone! I am so excited and honored to have with me today, Bishop Joseph Dutton. He has a church in Forest City, North Carolina that is experiencing and encountering a mighty move of God right now that has begun. There's a great... more

Hello everyone! We are living in a great time! Although there are wars, rumors of wars and all kinds of tradegedys happening in the world today, God has a plan and that plan is the prosper you and I....to give us a HOPE and a FUTURE.... more

Hello Friends! I want to invite to tune in every Wednesday at 11:00am CST, 12:00pm EST, 9:00am PST and receive information and an impartation of the Holy Spirit as well. We are living in critical times. These are perilous days... more

Hello Friends! I want to invite to tune in every Wednesday at 11:00am CST, 12:00pm EST, 9:00am PST and receive information and an impartation of the Holy Spirit as well. We are living in critical times. These are perilous days... more

Hello! I wanted to invite you to the program today! I will be sharing with you about the Revolution that is needed in the church today! It's time for us to reveal God's glory and start manifesting the greater works. The church has been in danger of... more

Join me today as I share from the Word of God! It's time for you and I to live in the supernatural! God is good all the time and He desires that you and I encounter His love and goodness on al daily basis. He said that He would do... more

You don't want to miss the program this month! I'm going to be talking about being a Movement of God instead instead of a Monument of man! God is looking for a people that will be that "vessel of honor" that has been sanctified for His... more
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