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We had to reschedule Andrea Judy at the last minute, but she's coming into the Star Chamber this Wednesday evening at 9pm EST to join co-hosts Alexander S. Brown and Selah Janel for a great discussion about books, writing, editing, and the life of authors in today's world. She's one of our favorite folks in the indie book world, and you'll find out why when you tune in on Wednesday and learn all about Andrea!
About Andrea: Andrea Judy makes her home in Atlanta, Georgia She has been involved with conventions since 1999 when she first found anime. She has had poems and short stories appear in various literary magazines as well as several anthologies. Her first digest novel, The Bone Queen, was published in October 2013 with the sequel coming out in 2015. While completing her master of rhetoric and composition, she was introduced her to the study of fandom on an academic level, and has never looked back.