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The Star Chamber Show #50, featuring Jerry Benns of Charon Coin Press!

  • Broadcast in Books
The Star Chamber

The Star Chamber


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The Star Chamber Show reaches it's 50th episode and we couldn't be more thrilled to have the great Jerry Benns of Charon Coin Press as our featured guest for this episode.  Jerry is truly one of the good guys in the indie book biz, a rare combination of maverick, visionary, and business savviness. Be sure to check out the show Wednesday at 9pm EST to find out what happens!  Hang out in the live chat room, as we always take questions from there for our guests!


About Jerry:  Jerry Benns, a native of St. Louis, Missouri, started writing when he was quite young. However, he began seriously writing in 2010 by launching his blog, TripThroughMyMind.com. Since then, he has expanded the site to include interviews with authors, book reviews, and sections to encourage building the writing community. Jerry’s deep-seeded enjoyment of reading and writing now has him embarking on the exciting journey of publishing by launching Charon Coin Press, based in High Ridge, Missouri.

In 2014, after becoming the editor for the State of Horror anthology series, Jerry pursued the opportunity to purchase the series, and others, in order to release them under his new publishing company, Charon Coin Press. The first two books in the series were released in August, State of Horror: New Jersey and State of Horror: Illinois. Jerry brings his experience from his previous marketing/branding company, as well 15 years of experience as a networker and project manager to Charon Coin Press

Jerry continues to write short stories, articles, and novella . He is currently working on the first novel.


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