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This week's Star Chamber Show brings you the one and only Tony Acree, thriller author and a main force with Hydra Publications! He's fresh off a highly successful FandomFest weekend, and he'll be recapping the weekend, talking about his work, indie publishing, and much more!
Here's a few facts about Tony:
Tony Acree was born in La Grange, Kentucky in January 1963. His short story fiction has appeared in Kentucky Monthly Magazine. He has written articles about his time as a stay at home dad for a women’s magazine as well as sports and information articles. His work has also appeared in The Cumberland, the Kentucky state wide newspaper outlet of the Sierra Club. He is a member of the Green River Writers as well as The Bluegrass Writers Edge, a creative writers group in Goshen, Kentucky, where he lives with his wife and twin daughters. His first novel, the Amazon #1 Best Seller, The Hand of God, is from Hydra Publications.
So join us in the Star Chamber Show for a visit with a great author, publisher, and all around fine fellow! As always, the show starts at 9pm EST Wednesday night!