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The Star Chamber Show #14, featuring Lee Martindale!

  • Broadcast in Books
The Star Chamber

The Star Chamber


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The Star Chamber Show brings you an extra special episode this week when the incomparable, amazing Lee Martindale stops by for a visit!  

Writer, editor, publisher, and Imaginarium’s first ToastMistress Lee Martindale has been called “a force of nature” and “Hell on Wheels”, and she comes by both honestly. Already a longtime human rights activist and internationally-recognized commentator on size rights issues, she turned to writing genre fiction shortly after becoming a paraplegic in 1991, making her first professional genre sale to Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Snows of Darkover anthology. Since then, her work has appeared in numerous venues and anthologies, including MZB Fantasy Magazine and three volumes of MZB’s Sword and Sorceress series, as well as Turn The Other Chick, Witch Way To The Mall, and Fangs For The Mammaries (all edited by Esther Friesner),, Warrior Wisewoman 2 (edited by Roby James), Catopolis (edited by Janet Dever-Pack & Martin Greenberg), and Low Port, edited by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller.

Lee has edited two anthologies of original genre fiction, Such A Pretty Face: Tales of Power and Abundance, and The Ladies of Trade Town. A collection of her own short stories, tentatively titled HarpHaven Tales, is scheduled for publication Spring 2014.

When not slinging fiction, Lee is a Named Bard, a veteran human rights activist, a Lifetime Active Member of SFWA (where she’s serving her second term on the Board of Directors), a fencing member of the SFWA Musketeers, a member of the SCA, and a popular guest at science fiction conventions all over the country. She and her husband George live in Plano, TX, where she keeps friends and fans in the loop at http://www.HarpHaven.net.

So get ready, hold onto your seat, and prepare for one heckuva episode with Lee Martindale at 9pm Eastern this Wednesday! 

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