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You are invited to join us as we interview Dr.Malidoma Some with the intent of exploring ways we can bridge the gap between our elders and youth,which will foster apositive change within our communities.He will also discuss the significance of the African drum in ritual, tribal health and healingcustoms,spititual beliefs,the world of the ancestors,and the life-giving process of initiation.Educated in the West,Dr.Some holds three masters and two Ph.Ds.and is the author of four books,including his autobiography:"Of Water and The Spirit".and"The Healing Wisdom of Africa".Dr.Some'an initiated Elder and shaman or high priest-will expound on the significance of"Initiating Change"As a house quest of Rev Baba Wesley Gray and his wife SpiritChange,Dr.Malidoma Some',introduced the Grays to the African Yam and other vegetables along with the diet and health customs of his community,the Dagara people of Burkiina Faso,West Africa. "There is no doubt that,at this time in history,Western civilization is suffering from a great sickness of the soul.The West's progressive turning away from functioning spiritual values;its total disregard for the environment and the protection of natural resources;the violence of inner cities with their problems of poverty,drugs,andcrime;spiraling unemployment and economic disarray;andgrowing intolerance toward people of color and thevalues of other cultures all of these trends,if unchecked,will eventually bring about a terrible self-destruction.In the face of all this global chaos,the only possible hope is self-transformation.Unless we find new ways thatcan touch and transform the heart and soul deeply,both indigenous cultures and those in the West will continue tofade away,dismayed that all the wonders of technology,all the many philosophical'isms'and all the planning of the global corporations will be helpless to reverse this trend."Dr.Malidoma Patrice Some drumsofchangedotcom