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Separating Yourself from Unhealthy Situations
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Join Best selling authror business mind leader in the Northwest Louis Howard drop great nuggets of wisdom to advance your life
Just What I Said !!!
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Went ol' skool on y'all with that Sugar Honey Iced Tea but you get it, shit happens ! And so it is....
Chasing The Blue Morpho! A Guyana Adventure!
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Adventurer, Ric Couchman, leads us on a daring trek across untamed lands, natural wonders, and through Guyana's native communities (a beautiful Caribbean-South American blend). As we discover the country we re-discover oursleves. [TheJourney.RyoSports.com]
VOP FreedomRadio's Alternatives To A Healthier Lifestyle
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Welcome to VOP-Freedom Radio's "Alternatives To A Healthier Lifestyle" with your host Hammerin Hank Mc and Co-host, Travelin' Man Chris, bringing the best to you from a hidden bunker. "Alternatives To A Healthier Lifestyle" features guests with unique individual concepts that create peace, creative intellect & wisdom along with personal freedom. Instead of the "herd mentality lifestyle" that actually creates divisiveness we can learn of and accept the cool difference of each individual as to how they design their own life to achieve freedom. A sharing concept for brotherhood, sisterhood - the advancement of humanity.
Hank McGrath is an investigative reporter and author of numerous "self help" books at McRavenWillow Publishing as well as the 4-book series Slave In Modern America. He pioneered online radio media formats to expand the "VOICES OF THE PEOPLE" (VOP) concept providing a voice for those otherwise unheard.
Traveling Man Chris is a Poet/Artist Publisher at Hispanic Paradox Press and from NYC. He is the founder of Recto y Verso Editions, Inc. He also hosts a number of creative projects to stir the spirit of freedom. "Travelin' Man" is the "Roving Reporter" for VOP-FreedomMedia. If you would like to be a guest on our show send an email of interest to vopfreedomradio@yahoo.com
Bumper music is " Underground Emergency" by FunkyVibe at Jamendo.com
If God Gave Us Rulership, What will happen?
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The Reformer teaching, "If God Gave Us Rulership, What will happen?"
"Cultural Insights" - and "Lets Talk" with Mr. Kivel
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"Cultural Insights" - and "Lets Talk" with Mr. Kivel
Last broadcast here for I am Resistance...
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Try try again! Last one here but one more time!
Greenvit manufacturers Botanical Extracts on KISC My Health Radio Commercial
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Greenvit manufacturers Botanical Extracts on KISC My Health Radio Commercial with Stephen Lukawski and Peter Mingils
After the commercial for Greenvit, You will hear a portion of the KISC My Health Radio show with Heather Wainer.
You can hear more on https://buildingfortunesradio.com/kiscmyhealth
in Culture
Friends, its open microphone night again. With all that is going on in our country today, I trust that there’s some things on your mind! Well, you have a platform to share them on TALK-STRAIGHT tonight.
Join TALK-STRAIGHT host, Rev. Dr. Rueben Dockery as he opens the floor of dialogue to the listening audience again.
An Open Microphone Discussion