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The Ministry of Linda L Johnson

The Ministry of Linda L. Johnson


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The Ministry of Linda L. Johnson is a Christian based Podcast channel that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ, Website: https://www.theministryoflljohnson.org/

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Introducing Blog Testimonies & Stories. The Ministry of Linda L. Johnson has created a blog site that she hopes would upbuild the faith of believers and foster encouragement by sharing her testimonies and stories of God's gracious acts... more

Reading & spoken word acapella exhortation to Trust in the Lord. Scripture passage is taken from Proverbs 3 verses 1 - 6. The heart and efforts of The Ministry of Linda L. Johnson is not just preaching, but evangelism, intercession... more

Are you seeking to come into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ? If so, this invite is for YOU! Salvation is available right now! Repent of your sins, ask Jesus for forgiveness right where you're at. Now go ahead and invite... more
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