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For The Love of Ian

  • Broadcast in Spirituality
Relax Let Go Be with Charles

Relax Let Go Be with Charles


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For The Love of Ian

Tonight  Join Charles, Tonia Robbins, Ryan Phillips, and Investigator Michael Johnson for a Very Special Two Part Show.

Family and Friends of Ian need your help! Ian was a very loved human who disappeared for five days and then was found dead. Many details about Ian’s life, mysterious disappearance, and death are available at this link to Ian’s Remembrance FB Page:


Those living in the Washington State Inland Northwest, SF/Oakland Bay Area YOU may know something that helps.

Family and Friends are asking those of you who are mind, body, spirit, and have spiritual gifts, to share what you may receive about this case too.

Part Two will be Wednesday April 12th, 7PM PT/10PM ET

Both Shows are call in Shows you can call in while the show is LIVE 646-716-8069. You can as well email tips, observations, questions, and insights to our shows email :

relaxletgobe@gmail.com Please put IAN in the subject line.

We now have a library of Elissabeth DeFreitas most Beautiful and Awesome original music to share with you during guided meditations and on our shows.

Link to Elissabeth’s website: heartsoundsbyelissabeth.com

Email: relaxletgobe@gmail.com, Your questions, comments, experiences, sharing for Charles and the show are always welcome. www.facebook.com/RelaxLetGoBe

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