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End of year show- What I have learned about life...so far...

  • Broadcast in Real Estate



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What I have learned about life so far....this is our end of the year show, which always includes,

of course, planning for next year, reflecting... the real estate business is so amazing : to be able to meet

so many people and share in their lives in ways that would not have happened if not for

meeting through them buying, selling or getting into the business. Everyone needs to live somewhere,

to invest, to grow....we all have so many unique personalities, dreams, etc. Which keeps it interesting...

to say the least...we also share many common traits about life... today I will share what I have learned about

life so far... and we have asked others as well... join us in hearing one liners of wisdom  that do apply to life

and one most important that it is your life, not someone elses. Happy New Day!!! Happy New Year!!!

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