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Returning for the first time in nearly thirty years, The Power Deck, the classic oracular desktop card deck, is being released once again to the delight of today's special guest Lynn V. Andrews'fans. Featuring forty-five beautifully illustrated cards and its accompanying book of affirmations and meditations, The Power Deck represents the wisdom of the Universe as it has been revealed through the Sisterhood of the Shields, a private and anonymous gathering of high-degree shaman women from native cultures around the world.
Lynn says, "The Power Deck helps you find the primal source of your pain, or limitation, so that it can be healed. When you look at it, you will stop for a moment to move into that silent place within you, that place where truth is born. Each card promotes beauty, health, strength, and wisdom in you life." She goes on to say that "we are as in need of a relationsip with the universe, with each other, and with the spirit as we always have been. The Power Deck opens this connection, inspiring and creating an awareness of the shared sacred beauty within all that exists.
Author Lynn V. Andrews has studied with shamanic women on four continents for more than 30 years. She shares her ancient teachings in her more than 20 books. Her most recent work, The Sacred Vision Oracle Deck is a bold oracular system, helping the user to define their presence in the world and, in combination with The Power Deck, creates a bridge between the sacred and everyday life.