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The New York Times says that 81% of Americans believe that they have books "stuck inside of them" that they just have to get out. Now, what if that vast number of people are actually being drawn by Source to do so? If this is indeed the case, would that communing directly back to Source truly enlighten the author as part of the process of deep introspection and creative unburdening? That's exactly what happens say today's special guest, best -selling author and renowned Book Whisperer Tom Bird.
Tom says that penning a book is one of the fastest and most surefire routes to a higher level of consciousness and enlightenment, and which is why he believes so many are innately drawn to it.
Tom Bird has taught thousands of people to write their books in his Write Your Bestseller weekend retreats. He uses a unique process that takes the author through a practice that temporarily "puts to sleep" the left brain, allowing the right brain to take control of the consciousness, opening connections that allow creative "downloading," thus speeding the intuitive words and messages to paper.
His new book Write/Right from God provides insight into the transformative process that provides as much, if not more, benefit to the writer as it does to the reader. Bird cites actual case histories of his authors and how the book writing allowed them to clear years of emotional and physical pain.
Tom Bird is here today to discuss his book and a variety of other topics related to the spiritual aspects of writing.