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Millions of devoted caregivers are out there, spent and exhausted from their never changing, daily responsibilities of taking care of an infirm, aged, or disabled loved one. As critical team players for the vulnerable loved one, they desperately try to assist while growing dangerously close to falling apart themselves.
Too many caregivers do not know how to create a sustainable care structure for themselves. Getting sleep and eating properly are not enough. Caregivers must remain healthy; physically, financially,emotionally, professionally, and spiritually. They must be a healthier, confident, stronger, and self-controlled caregiver who can provide leadership while offering love.
Today's special guest, Peter Rosenberger, author of the book Hope for the Caregiver: Encouraging Words to Strengthen Your Spirit, Caregiver Expert, and host of the Peter Rosenberger Show brings an unprecendented, personal understanding of the brutal realities facing so many people who are struggling to care for disabled, chronically ill, and elderly loved ones.
His expertise and book draw upon 3 decades of experience as caregiver for a spouse through a medical nightmare. This includes 78 operations, multiple amputations, 60+ doctors, 12 hospitals, 7 insurance companies, and 9 million dollars in medical bills.
Today he is here to share his story and offer compassionate help and understanding to today's 65 million caregivers.
To learn more about Peter Rosenberger, please visit