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Robby answers the Liberty Candidate questions below:
I) Re. the U.S. Financial System: 1. What is your view of the monetary system in the U.S. today?
The United States faces major challenges because of the Federal Reserve (FED). The Fed is a secret society that has devalued the face amount of the dollar by 95%. By printing money out of thin air, the FED has made the value of the dollar plummet and the prices for goods and services continue to climb. The FED does secret deals with top executives on Wall Street, loans money to foreign banks, manipulates interest rates, and has lined the pockets of those in political power. As President, I will push Congress for a full audit of the FED and have it shut down. According to Article I-Section 8 of the United States Constitution, “The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” The Constitution does not give the power to a central bank (FED). This will change under my watch.
Office you seek: President of the United States Date of Constitution Party Convention: April 18-21, 2012