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The Hour of Power3

The Hour of Power


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There is one problem, however, which is far greater than any other. And failing to solve it is more tragic than sickness or poverty or hardship. Yet most of mankind has never done anything about it

A red light on the highway of time it is a caution a slowdown sign that God has put on the curve of this modern age and we're going around this curve very fast at present

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

What does it mean that ?God gave them over? in Romans 1:24–28?Who was it that God gave over? The ungodly and unrighteous: ?

GOD love real people but becauce we make our own decisions in this life God has no say. the word tell us in all our ways seek him well that's not happening our creator is so unhappy with his design we say God told me to do this and that... more

Unless you repent—you too will all perish!" Luke 13:3 These were the words of the incarnate Son of God. They have never been cancelled; nor will they be as long as this world lasts.

God's perfect knowledge is like the pillar-cloud which led Israel out of Egypt, and through the wilderness: it is dark and a cause of terror to His enemies — but it is light and a source of comfort to His children.

That a just God will render to every man according to his character and works, is a dictate of reason. Conscience also intimates to every man, when he sins, that he deserves to be punished.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught His disciples how to approach God in what is often called ?The Lord's Prayer,? a model for us to follow. He said, ?Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Pray, then, in this way:... more

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught His disciples how to approach God in what is often called ?The Lord's Prayer,? a model for us to follow. He said, ?Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Pray, then, in this way:... more

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