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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Dr Norma Chapman along with her Special Guest Ms. Ashley Ke'Ariah Rankins invite our listeners to tune in on Thursday, October 13, 2022. Number to call 917-889-3028. Showtime: 4:30pm to 5:30pm CST/ 5:30pm to 6:30pm EST. Our guest is the Author of two amazing books she will be sharing with us. Topic: "Thriving In The Grace". Also, "Today I Ask God" She selected the topic of thriving in the grace because through years of trauma and domestic violence, she can finally see a clearer day! She shares that " Growing up wasn't easy so she retreated in the arms of her abuser". She shares when they met she didn't know him to be that. Circumstances change, trauma changes people. " Most times people carry their burden with their abuser, but unfortunately her abuser is her kids father and she prefer a healthy coparenting relationship". So instead of blaming she took a road to understand how mental illness correlated to their domestic violence environment. She states that God has been good and the grace over life has been abundance. She stated that she " believe God sent her through the waters in order to see the rainbow and share it with other woman. She says " I'm proud to be survivor, because I'm not alone. " I'm surrounded by powerful woman who too have found their wings are free because domestic violence does not discriminate". Her pain birthed her purpose and is allowing her to thrive in the grace