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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk with Host Evangelist Dr Norma Chapman along with Special Guest Carlotta Taylor will be discussing another interesting topic. Thursday, May 26, 2022. Showtime 4:30pm to 5:00 CST/ 5:30pm to 6:00 EST. Number to call 917-889-3028. Topic: "Eagles Don't Need Bridges". Carlotta Taylor is the Author of the book, " No More Flinching- 5 Steps to Over Coming Adversity". She will talk about a memoir of her life with steps on how to reach beyond points of life. She will share some ideas that can help others in this time and space where inflation is high and people are over worked and under paid. She has skills as a life coach. She will cover the most important factor to her most current success, cutting lies with false relationships appearing real. Join us on this upcoming episode and learn more about this week's topic and the Author of this best selling amazing book. Remember listeners you can join us on this topic by pressing the number one on your phone if you have any questions, comments or want to share your thoughts and experience.