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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Dr Norma Chapman with Co- Host Apostle Doris Smith and Evangelist Jerrie Perkins will be discussing how important it is for people to stop and take Quiet Times , to be all along just with God. We must steal away and slow down, regroup, and listen to only God voice. Getting rest is very important and we should realize when our body needs rest from our daily activities. The Holy Bible tells us Jesus took out time to rest, to pray, to fast, and to meditate. We as people need quit time as well. The song says " There are Times I like to Be All Alone With Christ My Lord, I Can tell Him About My troubles All Alone". Getting away from everything and everybody allows us to spend only time with God, to refresh, to allow our bodies to settle down and regroup, our minds to meditate only on God, to study His Word. Quiet Times allows us also to think better, to react to situations more better when we get overwhelmed and over active in carrying out our missions. Anxiety sets in and we found ourselves out of control, not able to think things through clearly. Tune in on this amazing, informative episode and learn more about why we all should take out quiet time, just for ourselves. We will also discuss the many ways we can have quiet times. Number to call 917-889-3028. Showtime: 4:30pm to 5:30pm CST/ 5:30pm to 6:30pm EST. Remember listeners you can join us on this topic by pressing the number one, on your phone if you have any questions, comments, or just want to share your thoughts and experience.