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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Norma Chapman and Co- Host Doris Smith invite everyone to join us on this week's amazing topic on Thursday, December 2, 2021. Topic:: Oh Just Give Thanks. We as Servant of the Most High God, " Oh Give Thanks", For He is Worthy Everyday, All Day To Be Praised, Let The Redeemed of The Lord Say So. Know you have everything to be thankful for, there is nothing He can not change, give Himthanks for He is Worthy of our honor and praises. Today's episode is all about giving God the glory, honor and praise. Scriptures: Ps. 107:1-3, Ps. 118: 11, 28, 29, Ps. 119:105. Number to call 917-889-3028. Showtime: 4:30pm to 5:00pm CST/ 5:30pm to 6:00pm EST. Remember listeners you can join us on this amazing topic by pressing the number one on your phone, if you have any questions, comments or want to share your thoughts and experience.