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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Norma Chapman and Co Host Pastor Doris Smith along with our Special Guests Dr. Laura L. Dorsey, Vice President of Infinite Scholarship Program and Dr. Levon A. LeBan, President SCLC New Orleans Chaptwill be introducing and discussing this awesome scholarship program. This program was founded in 2003 by Thomas " T" Ousley, who taught high school English and History for 29 years with Jennings (MO) School District. While teaching, Mr. Ousley worked so many mentoring and educational initiatives to assist low-income students to attend college. He found that too few of his students who deserved to go to college actually enrolled because they believed they could not afford to go. As a result, Mr. Ousley began the Infinite Scholars Program to ensure that financially disadvantaged students deserving to go to college could receive the funding they needed. Today,, nearly 80% of participants in the Infinite Scholarship Program is to provide all students, especially low Income, and first- generation high school students of diversity, with the access to the resources, guidance, and funding necessary to successfully further their education at accredited institutions of higher education. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference ( SCLC) New Orleans Chapter was selected to host the Infinite Scholarship Program Scholarship Fair in the City of New Orleans. The 2021 Scholarship Fair is the first time that Infinite Scholars has come to Louisiana. The SCLC was formally organized on February 14, 1957, in New Orleans, Louisiana when one- hundred ministers and civic leaders from across the South met in an effort to replicate the successful strategy and tactics of the recently concluded Montgomery, Alabama. In New Orleans, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was elected President of SCLC.