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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Norma Chapman and Co- Host Pastor Doris Smith along with our Special Guest Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. Thompson, Pastor of Pleasant Zion Missionary Baptist Church out of New Orleans, La. will be discussing the awesome Topic; The Four Spiritual Laws. The question is ask here in this lesson on today? What are the major principles that govern our introduction to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ? The first principle deals with the past and the present emotional relationship to God and our future with Him. The second principle deals with the nature of a man and the negative consequences of that nature. The third principle concerns God's way for people to avoid those negative consequences. The fourth principle is a detailed refining of the third principle. The fourth principle also includes a definition of faith and the necessity of repentance. A description of the optimum Christian life as attached as well as a personal prayer desiring that optimum life. The presentation concludes with a personal invitation from God. Tune in on this amazing upcoming episode by calling the Number: 917-889-3028. Showtime: 4:30pm to 5:30pm CST/ 5:30pm to 6:30pm EST. Remember listeners you can join us on this awesome topic by pressing the number one on, your phone if you have any questions, comments or want to share your thoughts and experience