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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Norma Chapman and Co-Host Pastor Doris Smith are delighted and excited to bring back into the Studio, as our Special Guest Pastor Douglas Noel along with Mrs. Glo Thompson. Pastor Noel will be continuing Part Two of Part One on the awesome Topic: Don't Give Up. Mrs. Glo Thompson an amazing woman of God will be sharing, her blessings on how she didn't give up on the path God put her on. She is a General & Label Manager of GloBoyz Productionz, LLC - CEO/ Owner. Pastor Douglas Noel is the Pastor of The New Covenant Christian Fellowship Church in the great city of Crystal Springs, Mississippi, he's also the founder of that great ministry. Pastor Noel is the Lead Singer and the Founder of Pastor Douglas Noel and Friendz Gosple Singers, out of Hazlehurst, MS. which is a production of GloBoyz Productionz, LLC. Pastor Noel will continue to bless us as he shares his amazing story and share with us why his testimony on this amazing topic Don't Give Up, why he states " What didn't kill me, helped me to help others. Join us on this awesome, amazing episode February 25, 2021. Number to call: 917-889-3028. Showtime: 4:30pm to 5:30pm CST/ 5:30pm to 6:30pm EST. Remember listeners you can join us on this amazing topic, by pressing the number one on your phone if you have any questions, comments or want to share your thoughts and experience.