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Facing Your Fears Radio Talk Show with Host Evangelist Norma Chapman and Special Guest The NAACP Louisiana State President Mr. Mike McClanahan along with Special Guest Ms. Schwon Bernard will be discussing important facts about Register Voting and how it's very important to your communities, cities, towns and states for everyone to sign your name on the Census 2020. The most important thing you should know about voting is to become a register voter and to make sure your name is counted on the United State Census 2020. Details about the soon upcoming deadline for your name to be listed. This help your communities and cities to get more Federal Funding. Please tune in on this important, informative episode, don't think you are excluded from being a Register Voter and Signing up for United StatesCensus 2020. Many people are depending on Federal Funding to survive COVID-19 and Federal Funding such as Housing, Food Stamps, Medcaine, Medicare and so much more, not to leave out Education Funding. Your Vote counts and is very important that we all go out and make sure our Voices are heard by Voting in this upcoming important Election Year. Every election is important to bring about a change in our States, Cities and Communities. Tune in by calling 917-889-3028, Showtime: 4;30pm to 5:30pm. CST/ 5:30pm to 6;30pm EST. Remember listeners you can join us on this amazing, important, informative episode by pressing the one on your phone, if you have any questions, comments, or want to share your thoughts and experience.